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MEETING FOR 1/17/2012 has been rescheduled to FIRED UP!
This is the Melbourne Linux Users Group, Inc. website. We are a community focused group of Linux enthusiasts who want to help each other use and learn about the Linux operating system and other related open source applications.
Regular Tuesday Night Meeting
Welp, new day, new chapter.
Russ Brown of OGI (and diehard MLUG member) who has been graciously hosting our meetings for at least the past 6 years has called it quits. Unfortunately this leaves us in search of a new meeting venue.
Fret not, we're still meeting as always. Just remember to check the calendar on the day of the meeting to find out where and what establishment is about to incur our wrath :).
We'll still be meeting weekly, except our only fixed meeting location will now be St. Mary's Catholic School in Rockledge on the third Tuesday of every month.
Melbourne Linux C, C++ Programmer Needed |
Monday, April 30 2012 @ 09:57 AM EDT |
Contributed by:rwehrli
Views: 24990 |
5+ years of quality Linux programming skills required. Strong C skills required. Solid C++ skills, too. Established consumer product company seeks to open a new facility in Melbourne and is looking for a few good Linux people with strong Linux systems and application programming skills. Kernel driver/module programming/debugging skills are a plus. Come develop cutting edge consumer devices with us!
sockets/network programming/protocols
gdb/debugging/root cause/analysis
is able to get around effectively from a command line
is passionate about creating quality software
knows what "attention to detail" means and is able to deliver it
kernel drivers/modules
Reads/reviews schematics
Uses test equipment and tools
Lives and breathes from the command line
Video/Multi-Media streaming (rstp/dtcp/H.264/etc)
MIPS, ARM, x86
OOP/OOAD/design patterns
Quality pay in affordable Melbourne FL
Health care benefits/subsidized by company
Stable employment for quality professionals
Very casual work environment
Some telecommuting/flexible schedule (40-50 hours per week)
Convenient Melbourne location
Contracting Positions Available, too.
Send [ rNOwehrliSPAM@elecNOtrinsycSPAM dot com ] up-to-date resume with salary requirement for immediate consideration.
51 comments Most Recent Post: 07/14 01:40AM by Ciptojunaedy
Install Party?!?! |
Wednesday, January 27 2010 @ 10:25 PM EST |
Contributed by:kgeffert
Views: 13156 |
Mike has arrange a quick and dirty install party @ BCC!!. If you'd like to attend and help out, or show your Linux support. Make sure you visit the calendar page for more information!
182 comments Most Recent Post: 10/25 12:59AM by User name
Meeting for 8/19/2008 Cancelled |
Tuesday, August 19 2008 @ 12:16 PM EDT |
Contributed by:kgeffert
Views: 18446 |
Due to the tropical storm Fay, the regular Tuesday night meeting will not be held.
Our next meeting will be on Tues, August 26th at 8pm. Check the calendar for details.
read more (26 words) 126 comments Most Recent Post: 10/25 12:46AM by User name
Site Issues |
Saturday, May 19 2007 @ 07:28 PM EDT |
Contributed by:kgeffert
Views: 11060 |
Matt Closson, sent me an email detailing that the website was having issues. There were some SQL issues on the database server preventing the site to work.
read more (79 words) 119 comments Most Recent Post: 11/06 05:49AM by Unclelo
mlusers.net out of service.... |
Thursday, April 26 2007 @ 06:32 PM EDT |
Contributed by:kgeffert
Views: 17388 |

Sometime in the previous week (before the last Tuesday meeting), the mlusers.net system went dark. IXC telecom informed us of the issue and took steps to do some troubleshooting of the issue so we could have a quick resolution.
Unfortunately those efforts didn't result into a working box scenario. I spent some time today on location trying to resurrect the system with a new motherboard / CPU combination.
read more (137 words) 96 comments Most Recent Post: 06/08 02:46AM by Fashionsedsses
OpenSourceHowTo.Org |
Friday, April 13 2007 @ 08:11 PM EDT |
Contributed by:paul_mat
Views: 20015 |
hi everyone, i've setup a website so that users of open source server side software can come and look at instructional guides, how-to's, forums, wiki's and all sorts of other information about setting up software on Linux for both windows and Linux based networks.
I am currently still working on it, adding new screen shots every day, hoping to double check a lot of my how-to's once the screen shots are added, re-write them to increase keyword density of my articles for better search engine results & once that is done i will hopefully be added streaming video of my how-to articles using either youtube embed code or revver embed code.
94 comments Most Recent Post: 05/22 01:07AM by Ciptojunaedy
introduction |
Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 11:54 AM EDT |
Contributed by:sababeach
Views: 13682 |
Just joined the group; I'll introduce myself. My first name is Tim
and I live in central Florida near Orlando. My vocation is as a
business application programmer which I started in '66 by
wire-wrapping boards for Univac 1004/1005s. I spent the next 14 years
designing/writing big-iron financial applications: demand desposit,
time deposit, installment loan. Since '81 I've specialized in
designing/writing micro-iron vertical order processing applications
for distribution businesses: automotive aftermarket,
awards & presentations, pottery & landscaping.
My hardware is limited to Intel/AMD powered computers on which I use
FreeBSD and the Debian distribution of Linux.
My current project is a web enabled horizontal order processing
application using Apache and Linux/FreeBSD which you can test drive,
if you wish, at my showroom at www.sababeach.net.
I am retired excepting continued support for my order processing application. I join *ix user groups as an enjoyable way to keep up
with the state of *ix software.
82 comments Most Recent Post: 10/25 01:01AM by User name
FBI-Net tapping |
Thursday, June 29 2006 @ 12:30 PM EDT |
Contributed by:Anonymous |
Views: 75548 |
To those of you impulse buyers out there!(like myself)
here's a place to check before you make the purchase.
136 comments Most Recent Post: 09/14 02:48AM by submitok
[MythTV]-politik |
Thursday, June 22 2006 @ 01:22 PM EDT |
Contributed by:Anonymous |
Views: 13258 |
hey all
this is a forward of a forward, of a forward that I recieved today.
figured the mythtv enthusiasts would like to read this.
As mentioned tonight, the broadcast flag is back, and worse than ever.
The Senate is currently considering telecom legislation that includes
flags for both digital TV and radio. These flags would "signal"
copyrighted content to the receiver, which would be mandated to read and
obey -- preventing you from recording. Your right to fair use would not
exist, and MythTV would not exist either -- or at least, it'd be illegal.
Luckily, we can stop this from happening. Tomorrow, the Senate Commerce
Committee will "mark up" the telecom bill. An amendment will be offered
to strike the flags from the bill. One of Florida's Senators, Bill
Nelson, sits on the committee -- make sure he hears from his constituents!
The markup is scheduled for 2 pm tomorrow (Thursday). Please call
tomorrow morning to save MythTV and your right to fair use.
Sen. Bill Nelson (FL)
Tell the receptionist that you are a constituent and you want to
register a comment about legislation. Then ask Sen. Nelson to "support
the Sununu Amendment to strike the broadcast and radio flags" in the
Commerce telecom markup. Add something personal about MythTV, Linux,
your rights, or innovation. Be nice :)
For more information:
Public Knowledge has a lot of information from the past week on their
blog. Additionally, see this great ad from the Consumer Electronics
Please call tomorrow. It only takes a minute, and it could save your
future computer from becoming crippled or illegal.
97 comments Most Recent Post: 06/29 09:41PM by echeapsnapbacks
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