The Melbourne Linux Users Group, Inc. is an origanization created to support the local Linux users in our area. We have been operating since the later part of 1998. We hold weekly meetings and Install parties to better support our members as they gather proficiency using Linux and other open source applications.
Member Benefits
There are real benefits to belonging to this organization both as and individual and a sponsor company. Linux is a fast growing phenomenon that is leading many companies to rethink their long term information technology strategy. By learning about Linux now and becoming apart of our organization, you are positioning yourself to take advantage of the anticipated demand for talented administrators and solution providers.
So why would someone want to join this group? The best answer is that learning about Linux fun and challenging. Our group is a way to explore other ways to use and experience a computer. We support our members technically and provide a foundation that makes taking technical risks with your computer less risky. If you have always wanted to try Linux but have been afraid of getting in over your head, this group is for you.
We also offer other tangible benefits for Linux enthusiasts. One is an email address with 'Linux' in it. Any member can request an email forwarding address at the '' domain. Members are also given access to the groups high speed Internet connections. Many software products available for free on the Internet are quite large. When we have Install Party's, members can request specific software and our team will make every effort to get the software and have it available to burn on CD's. This includes software like the latest releases of the various Linux distributions Debian, Caldera, Mandrake and Red Hat, and like the software applications Star Office, Applixware, KOffice or Wordperfect 8.
You get access to world class technical support from people who do Linux and Unix administration for a living. These people volunteer to help other people learn and get past difficult problems. They won't do the work for you, but they will advise and offer references to technical documentation and other resources to help you solve problems.
Last but certainly not least, this group is committed to put together seminars, lectures, classes and technology demonstrations. The public will be allowed to participate, but members get first opportunity to sign up for classes and other limited seating events. One aspect of this are training classes specifically to prepare for the recently announced Linux certification tests being offered by Sylvan Prometrics and compiled by the distribution independent Sair Linux & GNU Certification.
Businesses can also benefit by sponsoring events and group activities. This doesn't apply to technology companies alone; any business can participate. Our membership is a diverse group but we are generally affluent and educated. Our group also has plans to become the primary Linux resource for Brevard County. This will attract more members and attention from the media as well.
Addtionally, Linux has real value for business. There are reports and press releases every day about new hardware and software companies developing Linux based solutions. The measurable advantage to a business is the low-cost and high quality of the software and the lower cost of hardware when compared to competing solutions. Businesses are also seeing that reliability and stability are more important in the long run than flashy marketing.
By sponsoring our group we allow you to advertise at events and on this page. We will also have job services to allow businesses interested in using Linux the ability to find qualified staff to hire. Businesses that do not need full time information systems staff will be able to find consultants who are ready to support you.
Linux is expected to continue the market growth that was charted last year. Many companies and consultants will be scrambling to learn about and offer Linux-based solutions. Members of our group have been using Linux since Linus made his original post to Usenet in 1991. Others have been involved since 1994 when the first distributions really firmed up. There is no other organzation that is positioned to offer this kind of open community and helpful advice. When the time comes to buy a solution, you should consider looking here for the definative list of companies in Brevard County to sell it to you. Keep an eye on us. We are going places.
Last Updated Thursday, May 19 2005 @ 08:14 PM EDT 