Melbourne Linux Group Charter
The name of this organization shall be the Melbourne Linux User Group; hereafter referred to as the MLUG.
The objectives of the MLUG are to:
- Provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, techniques and data regarding Linux and other related Open Source software.
- Provide a framework for supporting Linux operating system installations in community venues and schools where quality help is not always affordable.
- Provide a portal to local businesses which support the Linux operating system.
- Provide regular, free installation help, training, and seminars on Linux and other related Open Source software.
Membership shall be open to any interested organizations and individuals. Eligibility for voting on the election of officers, annual review of charter and by-laws and other matters of interest shall be limited to current members that are actively participating in the MLUG. Votes will be decided by a majority of eligible members in attendance at meetings. Proxy votes will be accepted via email to an officer or on the MLUG website if made 24 hours before the scheduled meeting.
Dues will not be collected initially, but requests for funds will be circulated as required from members and donations will be accepted at events to offset costs. These funds shall be collected and managed by the secretary-treasurer who shall report on the status of the MLUG account at each meeting. The account will be used to cover the purchase of supplies and materials needed for meetings, newsletters, seminars, social events and web-related expenses but not necessarily limited to those items. Expenditures of less than $50.00 will be directed by the chairman. Any amount at or above $50.00 must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Director's.
The membership year will begin April 1st and run through March 30th of the following year. Membership fees paid in February and March will be credited to the next membership year.
The MLUG will be governed by a Board of Director's comprised of a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary-treasurer, and 4 directors elected from the general membership. The officers will be elected and will hold office for a term of one year beginning on the first day of the calendar year. For the purpose of continuity in leadership, elections for board members will be staggered to assure that at least three officers from the preceding year continue to serve on the Board in the new calendar year.
The MLUG will hold a minimum of one business meeting, which will include at least one officer, per each calendar month. Minutes of all meetings will be documented and distributed by the secretary-treasurer via the mailing list and posted on the web site.
Standing or special purposed committees may be established as directed by the chairman and carried by a majority of board.
Each proposed amendment to the charter shall be voted upon, provided such amendment has first been endorsed by the proponent(s) and been submitted in writing or via email prior to the meeting.
Adoption of any such proposed amendment shall require a two-thirds majority vote of eligible members present.
Last Updated Thursday, May 19 2005 @ 08:11 PM EDT 