The MLUG holds weekly meetings each covering a variety of topics and focuses throughout the month.
The first Tuesday meeting of each month is held at FIT in Melbourne and runs from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. It features two hour long presentations on a topic of the presenter's choice. We typically go out for food and drinks after the meeting.
The second Tuesday meeting of each month is held at OutLANdish Games in Melbourne and runs from 8:00PM to 9:00PM. This week is the Network Security SIG (Special Interest Group), and features a presentation related to network or host security, recent hacking techniques, tools, and news relating to linux or open source. We typically go to Chili's on Sarno & Wickham for food and drinks after the meeting.
The third Tuesday meeting of each month is held at St. Mary's School in Rockledge and runs from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. This week is the Programming SIG. It features a two hour hands on presentation on a programming subject of the presenters choice. Each attendee has access to a thin client computer and can follow along with building, and running the code presented. We typically go out for food and drinks after the meeting.
The fourth and sometimes fifth Tuesday meeting of each month is held at OutLANdish Games in Melbourne and run from 8:00PM to 9:00PM. These are general "Meet and Greet" meetings and typically feature Linux and Open Source related news highlights from the week, voting on MLUG issues, and answering of technical support questions by attendees. If you have a Linux system with issues these would be good choices to bring it to and get some assistance at. We typically go to Chili's on Sarno & Wickham for food and drinks after the meeting.
MLUG is always looking for presentors or ideas of what topics you would like to see presented on for future meetings. Please don't hold back your suggestions or volunteering. We look forward to seeing you there!
Last Updated Wednesday, August 27 2008 @ 11:37 AM EDT 